Ebenezer Tutor Centre


How We Work

At Ebenezer Tutor Centre we believe that each child is an individual and needs to be treated as such. We adapt our tutoring to the level that the child needs tutoring in. We do not chase a curriculum, but instead we assess what the child needs per learning area and adapt accordingly.



We offer our own inhouse curriculum, which makes use of CAPS content for Grade R to Grade 7, and this is supplemented by many different methodologies and learning material. Examples of textbooks used to guide our curriculum include Platinum, Top Class, Oxford, Premium Math and various others.
Most children are able to slot into the set grades as set by the Department of Education and will be using CAPS content per grade. There are however children who do not fit into this box, and for these children we work out their own individual learning plan according to their abilities and pace.

For Grade 8 and 9 we make use of selected CAPS content, blended with eclectic learning to start preparing for the GED®, which is our school leaving qualification on offer.


The GED® is an American school leaving qualification, which is accepted as being comparable to a South African Matric, and is equal to NQF4. Learn more about the GED® here>

Hoe Ons Werk

Ons glo dat elke kind ‘n individu is en as sulks behandel moet word. Ons pas ons onderrig wyse  aan by die vlak waarin die kind onderrig nodig het. Ons jaag nie ‘n kurrikulum na nie, maar ons evalueer eerder wat die kind per leer area benodig en pas dit ooreenkomstig aan. 



Ons bied ons eie inhuiskurrikulum aan, wat gebruik maak van CAPS-inhoud vir Graad R tot Graad 7, en dit word aangevul deur baie verskillende metodologieë en leermateriaal.
Die meeste kinders kan in die vasgestelde grade inskakel soos deur die Departement van Onderwys bepaal en sal CAPS-inhoud per graad gebruik. Daar is egter kinders wat nie in hierdie boks pas nie, en vir hierdie kinders werk ons hul eie individuele leerplan uit volgens hul vermoëns en tempo.

Vir Graad 8 en 9 maak ons gebruik van geselekteerde CAPS-inhoud, gemeng met eklektiese leer om te begin voorberei vir die GED®, wat ons skoolverlatingskwalifikasie is wat aangebied word.


Die GED® is 'n Amerikaanse skoolverlatingskwalifikasie, wat aanvaar word as vergelykbaar met 'n Suid-Afrikaanse Matriek, en is gelyk aan NQF4. Kom meer te wete oor die GED® hier>


It is with great pride that I name the following young adults as Graduates of our Tutor Centre:

  • Marieka Malherbe (Cambridge AS levels, Homeschooled by Erieka)
  • Charles Malherbe (N1 Motor Electrical & trade theory and GED®, Homeschooled by Erieka)
  • Brandon Goakes (GED®)
  • Gage Goakes (GED®)
  • Ryan Kelfkens (GED®)
  • Mariaan Landman (GED®)
  • Chrisne Boshoff (GED®)
  • Egan Grobler (GED®)
  • Luke Marshall (GED®)
  • Tarryn Wessels (GED®)
  • Aaliyah Pillay (GED®)


Did you Know

We offer distance learning for homeschooling parents near and far so that every child can receive the education they deserve no matter where they are.


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Laai hierdie nuttige dokumente (pdf) af deur op die lêer te klik wat jy wil aflaai.